December 22, 2007

Are you Preaching?

Are you still preaching the gospel to yourself? Don't stop!!!

"The more we dwell where the cries of Calvary can be heard the more noble our lives become. Nothing puts life into men like a dying Savior.”
- Charles Spurgeon

November 19, 2007

New meeting date...

Our next meeting will be this coming Sunday, November 25th. Grab your lunch after church and come on over to my house for a little chat.


November 2, 2007

What will you leave behind?

I heard a song today on the radio called "How will they remember me" by Nichole Nordeman. It struck me and I wanted to encourage you with the chorus of the song. The thing about a legacy is that you have to think ahead to what kind of legacy you want to leave. If you wait till the end - there won't be much of a legacy.

So why think about leaving a legacy now, at your age? Because you have to decide now what legacy you want to leave and you have to do things now to make sure that it happens.

I want to leave a legacy How will they remember me? Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough To make a mark on things? I want to leave an offering A child of mercy and grace who blessed your name unapologetically And leave that kind of legacy.

How do you want your friends to remember you? Were you a friend who always pointed them to the cross or toward the world?

What things in your life need to change in order to leave a biblical legacy?

Think about it...

October 29, 2007

Come On Girls...

Just a few weeks until our next meeting... are you working on your assignments? have you memorized your verses? Are you ready for our Secret Santa?

It seems like forever since our last meeting. I can't wait to be with each of you again!

Be diligent and don't wait till the last minute, oh and if you didn't talk at the last meeting - come ready to talk this time!


October 22, 2007

Celebrating Reconciliation


We all just returned from Celebration and it can be so easy to get back to normal life and forget what we've been taught this past weekend. Take a minute and share 1 thing that impacted you the most. Make sure to share it with your parents and your accountability partner too.

October 5, 2007

The Glorious Gospel

Here are some bits of encouragement from your peers. Tell me how you have been affected by preaching the gospel to yourself and I'll post it too.

"I have been practicing the guitar and that has been very helpful in preaching the gospel to myself. My favorite worship song right now is 'Here is Love'. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! 'Grace and love like mighty rivers, poured incessant from above, and heavens peace and perfect justice kissed a guilty world in love', the words are so rich and deep!! I love it!!!"

"I have been doing accountability, I haven't started working on my verse yet because I was in the midst of memorizing one from Corinthians and I want to get that one down solid before I try to tackle another one. One thing I've noticed is that since I've been trying to focus on the gospel more, I am noticing hints of it more readily now. (for example: in worship songs and scriptures that aren't blatantly about "the cross" God's drawing my attention to how it relates or hints at the gospel"


Hi Ladies,

I thought this would be a fun way to keep everyone up to date on assignements, news, etc. We will hopefully be having guest bloggers and be able to use it as a way for you to encourage each other with how you are applying what we are learning about. I won't be able to post everyday, but I'll try to as much as I am able.
